Open for all young people

The Hub is open for drop-in for all young people aged 12 – 25 Tuesday to Friday in school terms between 3.00 pm and 5.00pm. Come along to hang out with friends, access free Wi-Fi, catch up on study or get support and advice.

Explore the Hub

All young people are welcome to use the Hub’s shared spaces.
  • Comfy lounge area & courtyard to hang out with friends

  • Kitchen with all the things you need to make an afternoon snack

  • Computer room for homework or spending time online

  • Quiet study & chill space

  • Art Lounge with supplies for making art

  • Music Room with heaps of different instruments, recording gear and sound equipment for you to play and jam

All areas inside & outside the Hub are drug, alcohol & smoke free

Have fun during drop-in

  • Hang out with friends

  • Listen to music

  • Have an afternoon snack

  • Chill on the comfortable lounges or in the courtyard

  • Watch Netflix or Youtube on the big screen

  • Do homework on the computers & access the free WiFi

  • Chat to youth workers

  • Play games or table tennis

  • Read magazines, books & play board games

  • Play instruments, jam or have a karaoke session in the Music Room

  • Make some art in the Art Lounge

The Hub is open for all young people every weekday in school terms between 3.00 pm and 5.30pm.

During school holidays, our hours do change. Keep an eye on our Home page or Facebook page for more info on school holiday drop-in hours.

A safe space

The Hub is a safe space where everyone is welcome and everyone belongs.

We trust young people and we know that you know the right behaviour.

We have only one guideline at the Hub.

Respect for yourself.
Respect for others.
Respect for the space.

The Hub team

The friendly, approachable and non-judgemental youth workers at the Hub work to make it a fun, safe and supportive space for all young people.

We are always keen to chat about anything that may be troubling you.

There is no problem too small or too big. If we can’t help you, we will connect you to someone who can.

We have heaps of information on activities and programs available for young people in the community.

If you’re having difficulty with an issue and looking for any sort of support and advice, youth workers are also generally available from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm.

Information for families

Open door policy

The youth drop-in is a safe, supervised time where young people are welcome to come and go from the Hub as they wish. If a young person does leave the Hub, we won’t follow up on where they are going. We trust that they can be responsible and can get themselves home safely.

Support for youth & families

Young people often share with us problems they are struggling with, and we can provide referrals to other services if needed. We offer confidentiality, but also know that family is central to their well-being. The youth workers always happy to chat to families about concerns they may have about their young person.

“This is where the kids can come – they can express their views, they can share and connect with other adults.
Our door is open to all the kids, no matter what. We make sure they know this is a safe place to come.”
Dean Besley, Hub Co-ordinator

Support the program

The Hub drop-in program runs on support from a number of community organisations and individuals.

Two of our Hub workers are supported by the Bellingen Neighbourhood Centre, and we receive support from groups like the Bellingen Mentor Group and Men of Bellingen to provide ongoing drop-in costs.

“This is where the kids can come – they can express their views, they can share and connect with other adults. Our door is open to all the kids, no matter what. We make sure they know this is a safe place to come.”

Dean Besley, Hub Co-ordinator

Want to support the Hub Drop-in Program?

Talk to our team about making a financial contribution to support the drop-in program. Funds are always needed for food, movies, art supplies, sports gear and much more.

We are also open to in-kind donations of youth friendly items like board games, books and magazines.

Learn more