Youth at risk of homelessness
Reconnect is a youth service that uses the Hub as a safe space to meet with young people and families.
Reconnect helps young people between the ages of 12 and 18 years who are homeless or at the risk of homelessness, along with their families.
How Reconnect can help
Reconnect works with young people who are homeless and those at risk of homelessness to become more involved with their family, work, education, training and the community through mediation, counselling and practical support for the whole family. It also provides confidential support to families to try to help young people to stay at home until they have the necessary skills to become independent.
Reconnect workers are able to meet with young people and their families at the Hub at a time that suits them.
Helping young people
Work things out with family
Connect with programs that help to find employment
Stay in school when it gets tough
Link into training options
Get income support if eligible
Find somewhere safe to stay if necessary
Helping parents, guardians & families
Work things out with the young person
Find out the best way to talk things through
Learn to live together when things are hard
Learn to live apart but stay connected